Sunday, June 12, 2011

Welcome to my page

I am glad you took the time to visit my page.  I am creating this blog as part of a project for my 'Blogging in the Classroom" course at Boise State University.  I have always had an interest in blogging, and have in fact started a couple over the years.  It is my hope, that through this course, I will be able to find a more thematic approach to blogging, and will find it to be not only a professional outlet, but an opportunity for my students to explore, create and share ideas in ways that are personal and relevant to their needs.

As I have made my way through the EdTech program at BSU, I find that this course suitably caps off my experience.  I have had the pleasure of creating online curriculum, working with multimedia instruction, creating web pages and even some animation, all of which I have shared with my students in the classroom, and have used to enhance both of our experiences over the past couple of years.  Yet, throughout it all, I consistently find that bringing technology into the classroom remains a multi-layered challenge.  It seems while we are  struggling to bring more technology to our students, or better yet, more access to technology, we are restrained by crippling technology regulations and filters at the district level which prevent us from accessing the very opportunities on the web that would be most advantageous to our students and to us as their teachers. 

I am enjoying the process of facing that challenge, and am hoping to use this blog to address some of these issues.  As educators, we all feel a need to re-inspire ourselves in order to maintain that passion for teaching.  What better place to begin than right here? 

1 comment:

  1. Shanda, welcome to the course and glad to see you getting started with a bang!
